How can I change color of logo on skins. I try but I can not for the goal.
If I change the skins in the settings, I would also change the logo color.
Can you give me a tip
Hi Patrick,
You need seperate logo for each skins. If you want to use all skins in 1 site, please check this article
Hello Neo,
I need the change for all page. If I were to paint for complete page on blue changeable logo in blue., If red color change to red. About your only clue I can change specific pages. The visitors should be able to choose the page color itself. I try it with just the modules Switsch themes. Otherwise I did not hinbekommen as my penultimate contribution.
for someone who has interest. I solved it with a background logo. User Posted logo transparent, all other logos on color.css blue red ...
background: url(../../images/colors/blue/logo.png) no-repeat!important;
Default logo red
in style.css
background: url(../logo-red.png) no-repeat;
float: left;
margin: 10px 0 0 0;