Opacity and column width issue

joe's picture
Mon, 07/08/2013 - 10:26
Opacity and column width issue

This issue initially seemed to be cropping up with IE7 users so I ignored it, but I've had a handful of IE8 and IE9 complaints of the same issue...

Basically, I have a 3 column drop-down menu with some minor custom styling. Some users are complaining that the menu contents are blending in with the content it drops down over so they can't really see it or click on things correctly. I managed to emulate and view the problem myself in IE7 and it appears to be some sort of z-index type thing. In addition, though, I noticed that the third column had actually tiled down to a new row under the first column. It's not something my end users really noticed because it all kind of blends in with the background.

Rather than include some of the HTML/CSS here I'll let you inspect element: http://www.umass.edu/afsystems

joe's picture
Tue, 07/09/2013 - 13:15

As a folloup, I'm using style 2 with a couple color and border settings changed right in the UI. In other words, no css style overrides in a file somewhere.

Neo's picture
Wed, 07/10/2013 - 00:51

Hi Joe,
I checked IE8 and 9, no problem was found. You can try to remove "position: relative" from css:

.grid-1, .grid-2, .grid-3, .grid-4, .grid-5, .grid-6, .grid-7, .grid-8, .grid-9, .grid-10, .grid-11, .grid-12, .grid-13, .grid-14, .grid-15, .grid-16, .grid-17, .grid-18, .grid-19, .grid-20, .grid-21, .grid-22, .grid-23, .grid-24

I'm not sure what file because you're using compress CSS.

joe's picture
Thu, 07/11/2013 - 13:52

Yes! Bravo. Those grid classes are a standard part of the Omega base theme, so others may run into this. Rather than trying to override all of Omega's grid stuff which might break things, I just set the position:static to the menu region itself which I could reference directly by id. Actually, I used position: static !important; to make sure the override happened. That fixed the problem perfectly.

Once again, be aware any of you Omega theme users that you need to set the position of your menu region to static from relative.

Thanks Neo.

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