unfortunately I'm not able to add a video Element. By clicking the button a dialog "Item settings" pops up where I can search for a video, enter a video ID and a name. Maybe I misunderstand something, but no video is shown there. I've already uploaded one using the media module and it is available there in the files list. What can I do to solve the problem? Adding images works fine...
- Drupal 7.56
- MD Slider 7.x-2.22
- jQuery Update module is also used
Hi there,
Please insert (youtube or vimeo) video url first, then click button "Search" to generate video ID and video name
You cannot enter video ID and video name first
Ah, OK. Will it be possible to add a local video file (for example mp4)?
Sorry, our module does not support that function
Only insert youtube/vimeo video url
OK, this works. Thank you. Is there a way to enable autoplay?
We do offer that function
Please go to Configure and check Auto play slides
Yes, the option is checked - but I mean autoplay for youtube videos so they are played immediately. Now I have to click on thumbnail image to show the video player and again to start the video. Maybe you could change the Youtube embed code which is generated.
We have added this function
Please check your email for update version
thank you, it works now. If the full width option is enabled, the video is shown with full width. I'm not sure whether it's intended to be, but that's what I want.
There are two other things which I hope you can fix too:
- A slide containing a video which is started automatically does not switch to the next one, even when the video has stopped.
- No text/image elements can be placed on the video element.
Because the video is just an object, not background video, so it is impossible to add text or image onto video (video is just an element/object like text, image). And we just embed youtube and vimeo video link, so we could not calculate when videos end to move to next slide.
Normally, you have to click on the video thumbnail to play that video. So, to play video automatically as your request, we just code to make auto click on video thumbnail.
If you like, you can try background video. We have not added this features in our MD Slider yet.
Please open file slide_settings.tpl.php in folder md_slider/templates/admin/ and search
then remove style="display:none;"
Then go to edit slider and set background video, then insert your video link
For ex, http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.mp4
OK, I have removed the display:none; style and now I see the "Background video" link. But when I click on it, the settings dialog closes and nothing happens... Is it a bug or how can I add the background video?
We need your site url, admin account and FTP account to check this issue
Our dev has fixed already
Please check
OK, thank you. It works now.
But it's important for me to know what the problem was, because I have to install and configure the module on our live site. Could you please tell me which changes you hve made?
The start transition effect doesn't work. Maybe you could fix it in the next version - it's OK for now.
It was our mistake when uploading files. This will be surely updated in next version