Ok i added the wistia module to embed wistia hosted videos. How to i rearrange the page so the video is shown above the about section. Here http://tylerthompsonphotography.com/test/?q=portfolio-single-boxed
Mon, 01/11/2016 - 13:58
Ok i added the wistia module to embed wistia hosted videos. How to i rearrange the page so the video is shown above the about section. Here http://tylerthompsonphotography.com/test/?q=portfolio-single-boxed
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Also there is an error at the top of the page. Thank you so much for your help
Also is there a way to make the wistia videos work with the Simalar Projects Section at the bottom of the portfolio page
1 - About your Wistia module: base on our support policy (http://megadrupal.com/forum/general-support/1923), we do not support but help you customise to rearrange the page so the video is shown above the about section. Please work following instruction:
Replace your current file sites\all\themes\md_make\theme_setting\front\node.preprocess.inc with new file enclosed in mail.
Then go to theme settings > custom CSS code, insert:
Go to /admin/structure/types/manage/portfolio/fields, create new field named Video Wistia, machine name: field_video_wistia
Video will not display at blocks such as Similar projects, you could customise by yourself because module media in our MD Make theme does not support Wistia.
2 - With the error, please open file Page.Preprocess.Inc, Line 261
and replace your two current files with new files we send by email (views-view-field--portfolio-similar-project--field-multimedia.tpl.php, views-view-fields--portfolio-similar-project.tpl.php)
I am still getting this error.
Notice: Undefined index: field_video_wistia in md_make_preprocess_node() (line 30 of /home2/tylerth1/public_html/test/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/node.preprocess.inc).
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in md_make_preprocess_page() (line 259 of /home2/tylerth1/public_html/test/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/page.preprocess.inc).
Thank you so much for your help. So sorry im having so much trouble.
Please open file sites\all\themes\md_make\theme_setting\front\node.preprocess.inc, line 30
That fixed one error. but there is still one more. Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in md_make_preprocess_page() (line 259 of /home2/tylerth1/public_html/test/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/page.preprocess.inc).
Ok thank you that fixed one error. There is still one more. Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in md_make_preprocess_page() (line 259 of /home2/tylerth1/public_html/test/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/page.preprocess.inc).
You could you send us your FTP account by private comment?
Check your site please. We fixed.
Im so sorry but im still seeing this error. Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in md_make_preprocess_node() (line 31 of /home2/tylerth1/public_html/test/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/node.preprocess.inc).
We could not see the error. Have you tried to clear cache?