I recently purchased the MD MegaMenu module for my Drupal 7 website. After creating a new MDMegamenu and and try to create new link item on the menu, the modal/overlay window does not close when I click on "Add" (http://glui.me/?i=2bgupz4ojw0s9fj/2016-02-22_at_6.59_AM.png/). I am using Drupal 7.42 and jQuery 1.10 although I tried switching to JQuery 1.7 and higher to see if that was the problem.
Can you please let me know if I am doing something wrong or whether this is a known issue?
Thank you.
Please take a look at solution in topic http://megadrupal.com/forum/module-support/mega-slider/1977. If it still does not work, please send us your site url, admin accoutn and FTP account by private comment, we would like to fix it for you.