Hi, I need to change the dropcap of some page titles to make them multilingual.
I edited for example the ones for accomodations adding the lang prefix ahead of the url ex: /es/accomodations
I need to do the same with bookings, but I don't know why it does not save any changes, where are these settings storaged? I could change them manually.
Thank you
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment? We would like to have a check in your site.
You could not change in theme settings because there are two languages but only one base path.
- We checked and could see you added for langue english and translated to es
- You could customise code as following:
in file sites/all/themes/md_flawleshotel/theme_setting/front/page.preprocess.inc,
function md_flawleshotel_process_page(), insert code (at the end of function):
Great that worked!
It is not necesary to use $language, with the t function just using string overrides it solves what I need