checkout cart summary : image link to product invalid

paradoxx's picture
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 07:39
checkout cart summary : image link to product invalid

Hi, just to inform you i have fixed a small bug inside /sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/views/commerce/cart-summary/views-view-table--commerce-cart-summary--default.tpl.php preventing to link back to the product node from the image thumbnail :

Image title

khoa's picture
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 21:30

Thank you Paradoxx. You helped us a lot. It seems that you are the master of this theme now :)

paradoxx's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 06:10

Hi Khoa,

Not quiet yet i believe :) But thanks for the compliment anyway..

Reciprocity is one of my biggest motivations to maintain civilization is in this difficult world nowadays.

But beside that, i might need some guidance in setting up an orenmode theme customized webform result page on this implemented wizard :

My idea is to build this confirmation page following the guidelines in this drupal thread : 

As in the example coding shown, the webform data gets themed with this instruction : 

$output = theme("confirmation_page", array('data' => $data));

So in need to write a confirmation_page template that fits in the orenmode theme with all the header, content and footer elements.

Could you point me to an orenmode example where i can start from ?


phuonght's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 21:52


Please take a look at below link:

about theming webform, we have note that step 2 is used to override template for all the form.

paradoxx's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 22:59

Hi phuonght, 

Thanks for your link on how to theme the webform and components itself.  But this is already done in my fitting room webform (see link to my test site)

What I need is some basic knowledge on how to theme a page that replaces the standard webform confirmation message page. So the URL i will be redirecting to after submitting the form will be /my-fitting-room/confirm. 

This page is added with hook_menu () to have it accessible. In its callback function I am calculating a result from webform submission values. This result (simple table) then needs to be rendered in a tpl.php template. To have this accomplished I need to call theme() function but here I am somehow lost and cannot get to final solution. Where do i have to put the tpl.php file and does it need all orenmode customised header, content and footer sections or just a div container with the result table rendered. 

So maybe I need a page--fitting-room-confirm-page.tpl.php file in your themes/orenmode/templates directory. I don't known. I cannot get it to work. 

I need some help please because this project has reached almost deadline.


phuonght's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 23:07

So could you send us your login information? We would like to take a closer look.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 03:25

We have a suggestion as below:

1. Please create a confirmation page(basic page). Then override template for page. File template will be named: page--node--NODEID.tpl.php

2. In your webform, please configure confirmation to link to page (see image)

Image title

paradoxx's picture
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 09:46

Hello Phuonght,

Your suggestion works like a charme. Many thanks for this!

Here you can see the result of today's work :

Image title

One drawback with this solution though is i have no preprocessor available to set drupal messages for example.

Can i still use a hook_menu() solution and still forward to this page--node--[NODEID].tpl.php somehow ? With drupal_goto() function maybe ?

Thanks again for the quick response!

paradoxx's picture
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 11:18

Another alternative i found is this template inside webform module's template folder : 

Image title

Instead of setting a specific URL, it's possible to redirect using the standard confirmation template yet customized according it's node id.


phuonght's picture
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 21:23

You also could print message in that template file by using drupal_set_message. 

paradoxx's picture
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 02:42

I tried that, but somehow the message is only shown with the next request. I think a preprocessor would be more suitable in the case. Template now holds too much data logic.

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