In taxonomy term page (ex: ../product-collections/fw-2016-man-collection), the sentence "No product found...." appears, despite the product is related to term reference.
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 18:25
No product found in taxonomy page
Did you install profile or manual?
If you installed profile, your site would looks like our demo:
If you installed manual, did you add product? In "Edit" product, you need to assign to a Collection Term as image below:
Hi Phuonght,
I installed profile but in product collections page i don't see the product demo, despite their are assigned to a Collection Term.
So could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP? We would like to have a check and fix problem for you.
Please remember to check 'Private message" for security reason :)
- "No product found..." problem: We checked but could not understand which is the reason. Config has no difference also. Please try to install profile another Orenmode in your host. With the new one, please do not install any module or config, just check "Collection" if it has problem as current website.
- Error after adding product: fixed it already.
I solved the problem in collection view enabling ajax in view.