None of the MD slider edit slide settings work when running 2.18
I am using Drupal 7.38 with Seven admin theme and have tried changing admin jquery version to 1.8, 1.9 and 1.11 without any success.
any help appreciated.
None of the MD slider edit slide settings work when running 2.18
I am using Drupal 7.38 with Seven admin theme and have tried changing admin jquery version to 1.8, 1.9 and 1.11 without any success.
any help appreciated.
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Please send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts (forum link as well) via email: (also this forum link)
We will check this issue
Hi Cindy,
I have installed the slide and going through all the steps, it just doesn't show up on the site once I've finished the process.
Could you help me?
Hi PeterPearDean,
We see some JS error $(...).jflickrfeed is not a function
Did you include libraries flick js ?
This make the slider can not be load
Please fix your js problem first
Jsflickrfeed is a jquery to get flickr. You should check where is block Flickr and just enable js when there is block Flickr and make sure it has jflickrfeed. About which file, we can not tell you exactly because we do not know about your theme.
Please take a look at:
We found code that call flickr there. If you do not use, please delete.
Hi, I just purchased and installed MD slider but nothing works. If I create a new slide and click 'settings' then nothing happens; if I click 'save' then I get the message 'Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in md_slider_edit_form_submit() (line 713 of/home/apps/freson/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/includes/'
Please help!
Hi Schenbr1,
Could you send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts (forum link as well) via email:
We need to have a check.
I have the same problem. The adminpart no longer works. I have send a email to with info.
I found the cause of the error.
mega slider 2.18 conflicts with this module:
The problem comes from module boostrap shortcodes
Currently, we have just added a function at the top of your bootstrap_shortcodes file to solve your problem
However, this solution will be gone if you update, of course. So, you can follow up this thread
I have the same problem and i am not using bootstrap shortcodes module. admin settings and image uploads do not work. and i get the same message Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in md_slider_edit_form_submit() (line 713 of /var/www/xxx/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/includes/
Hi Talengix,
Could you send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts (forum link as well) via email:
We would like to have a check.
My site is a development site. It is not live so there is no public url or ftp which is normal for a development site. This is the same problem that many customers are writing about on this forum. So, you should already know what the problem is and be able to send me a patch file rather than having to access my site to fix it. Please send me a patch for the problem so I can fix it myself on my development site. Otherwise, I will kindly request a refund and try a different slider. Thank you.
It is very difficult for us to fix problem without checking your site. Because the reasons are different with each customer and MD Slider still works well on our site.
Could you describe more about your problem? When did it occur? After which action that you did? Which version of php is in use? We need some information to make some conjectures and find solution for you.
I enabled the module and dependencies the just the standard way. My server uses PHP Version 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.11. I took no special actions. I just went to structure > MD Sliders ... create a new slider go to configure ... i click settings and nothing happens. I try to upload image and nothing happens. I tried all versions of jquery update.
OK. I will setup DNS for one of the sites I am working on. I tested it on some others and also not working. Please let me now which e-mail address I should send drupal admin login credentials. Thanks
Please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account to our support email: We will check and fix it for you as soon as we can.
I have sent this three days ago and still nothing. I would like support to fix this slider or instructions for a refund. Thanks.
Sorry for the delay. Just checked and saw your email alreadly.
Please wait. We will check and fix it for you as soon as we can.
I would like to confirm that the module is now working. There was a js conflict with a custom module on my site. The developers identified the issue and sent me a patch for my custom module that resolved the problem. Therefore, I would like to inform others reading this that the issue was not in the MD Slider module itself and it works correctly now and appears to be a good product. Thank you Phounght and Cindy for your excellent support.