D8 - MD MegaMenu option showing in Structure Admin Menu

ludwigpossie's picture
Wed, 01/16/2019 - 18:09
D8 - MD MegaMenu option showing in Structure Admin Menu

I recently spun up a new docker image with Drupal 8 for my dev environment.  I installed the md-megamenu-8.x-1.6.zip and awe_builder-8x-1.3.zip modules.  I've enabled both modules, however when I try to find the link on the admin menu Structure -> MD Megamenu the option is not there.  How do I get to the module?  Did I miss something on the installation?  Tried to look for documenation and found the following link.  However it doesn't make any mention of installing awe_builder-8.x-1.3.zip so I'm assuming this is perhaps old documentation?

Here are some screenshots, I hope it helps and someone can tell me what I'm missing.  Thx.

 (AweBuilder installed & enabled)

 (MD Megamenu Installed & enabled)

 (No MD Megamenu option under Structure)

cindy's picture
Wed, 01/16/2019 - 21:53


The doc for Megamenu 8 here https://docs.megadrupal.com/drupal-8/megamenu/ (you can find it easily at the module page)

Module mega menu 8 is integrated with drupal menu 
You can enabale mega menu on your existing drupal menu or create a new one
You add/remove/order links at list link page of drupa, then open megamenu builder to modify and customize style megamenu, asign content into submenu.

ludwigpossie's picture
Fri, 01/18/2019 - 16:52

Perfect.  Got it working.  Thx.

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