I am having trouble uploading new files in portfolio section, same to change background image. when "adding new media" the window appears all white.
Can you help me?
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Please go to your account page http://megadrupal.com/user/cristiana-nascimento, download and update MD Fullscreen Slider
If your problem is not sovled with the new update, please send us your sitee url, admin account and FTP account
We would check for you
Thanks for the account information
However, we need account with admin permisssion
The account you gave us has no permission at all, we could do nothing with it, even check the settings
So, do you need help from us anymore?
If yes, feel free to tell us
Many thanks!
i have the same prblem i cannot upload notinh aftre i select somethinh for uploas on appereance theme settings i get a white screen
Hello Webarqx,
Did you using the latest version of fullscreen?
If yes, you can send us your site url, admin account and FTP account to check your issue
Can you plese send me the latest fullscreen module or tell me where i can download it ? thanks
As mentioned in comment #2, you can download the module at your account page https://megadrupal.com/user/webarqx
Please check again. We could not access your site. We got error "This site can't be reached"
We also cannot log in your FTP account
We try again but still cannot access your site. It is even not loaded.
So, please try to follow our instruction again
Before update, remember to backup database + source code
1. Go to sites\all\modules\custom
2. Remove md_fullscreen_slider and update new version https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArRPkgVQNPYZgwt11JTavNW4moUE
3. Clear drupal cache
We still cannot access your site
Please check if our IP is blocked. We are from Vietnam
Our IP is
Please try this version of MD Fullscreen Slider https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArRPkgVQNPYZgwt11JTavNW4moUE
already did but the problem stays the same on the apperence settings when i try to upload something it stays white sreen ..:(
Where is your source on server?
We go to /public_html/arqx.eu/sites/md-mdst/sites/all/modules/contrib to update module but it seems incorrect
Our dev has fixed for you
Please check!
Hi again,
Please check! Our developer has fixed your issue already.
It might take several days to edit all settings tobe compatible with new module media
So, you could tell us what you want to change, we could help you to modify without using theme settings