I'm trying to build a vertical menu to display in the left sidebar and I'm experiencing two problems:
1. The menu items don't stack one on top of another
2. The megamenu doesn't fly out across the page like it used to; now it is crunched into the space of the left side bar
Please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment so we can have a check.
Thank you.
Please check email for updated file.
Thank you.
So please send us your site admin account and FTP account. We would like to have a check.
Check mail please.
Thank you.
Can you please send us some screenshots or video? We checked 2 cases with and without vertical menu but horizontal menu worked same. You can please \ try clearing cache browser also.
We tested again on several devices with both of two menus but horizontal menu only displays as screenshot when page loading (just about 1 second) then back to normally.
Thank you for testing this. We have tested this both on Windows and Linux in multiple web browsers and we do not have the experience you have. Once the horizontal menu is spoiled, it does not return to normal. Could you please tell me how you tested it?
On Window, browser Chrome and Firefox, set vertical menu Example display in homepage, then tested every link of horizontal menu but did not see problem.