I can create the main slider but couldnt like add slide 2 or change background
Any main reason, since its on a local host not live site to show you guys
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Firstly, thanks for your concern in our product
Could you please send your site as well as admin account via cindy@megadrupal.com for us to check your problem
Hi, I just purchased version 2.11. I also cannot add a slide. When I upload a picture and click "submit", I just get a grey overlay with no options to do anything. Note: the photo is being added to my sites/default/files directory however I cannot access it via the library tab.
This is on my localhost so I cannot give you log in credentials.
A bit more info, I'm using jquery update 1.8 with the google cdn option. Here's a screen shot of what I get afer selecting "submit": http://imgur.com/tdfbRYW
Could you please send your site as well as admin account via cindy@megadrupal.com for us to check your problem
Also, this support link!
I am also having this problem. Same issue!
There is an issue with MD Slider with the newest Drupal jquery update module. You cannot edit any slide text, all text fields are not visible in the edit screen. To make it work downgrade to the earlier version of jquery update.
Please fix this issue. The new jquery has been out for almost 2 months!
The error comes from: sites/all/modules/views/js/jquery.ui.dialog.patch.js"
Hi geoffbaker and nelslynn,
We've sent both of you the fixed version.
Please check your emails.
@nelslynn, if the problem still occurs, please send us your site as well as log in account via cindy@megadrupal.com
Cindy, can I get the updated version too? (2.2?)
Hi JerryH
That version hasn't been released,
We are still working on it
Oh, since the Mega Slider page has this;
Version 2.2:
Bug fixes
New features:
- Add option to show next/prev button on touch device
- Option choose play video with lightbox
I thought it must be released.
So 2.11 is the latest?
When can we expect something that fixes the issues with jQuery 2.4?
And what version did you send geoffbaker and nelslyn?
"Hi geoffbaker and nelslynn,
We've sent both of you the fixed version."
Our latest version is 2.11
And currently, we has not support jQuery 2.4
The version that we sent to Geoffbaker and Nelslyn is the fixed version of 2.11 with "pause on hover" is included
We also sent you that fixed version via email. Please check your email
When can we expect something that fixes the issues with jQuery 2.4?
Currently, the latest version of MD Slider 2.13 has not supported jQuery 2.4 yet
I'm having the same problem with the Slider packaged with Max. It's 2.9 and the JQuery install is 2.14. Slidr can't be edited. And Slider will not update. Fails during update download "Downloading updates failed: Failed to download md_slider from # " and I can't find the 2.13 to manually download. So I can't fix. What should I do?
Hi Tedwyer,
Please check your email. We sent you the latest version
Cindy, where do you post the latest version of the slider with the changelog information?
The Mega Slider page has this;
Version 2.2:
Bug fixes
New features:
- Add option to show next/prev button on touch device
- Option choose play video with lightbox
but that has been unchanged for months.
And if 2.14 is the latest, why does that page say 2.2?
The latest version is 2.14 (released on July 22, 2014). You can see and download from Codecanyon
Sorry for the out-of-date changelog information on our site cause we have not updated yet
I am having the same issues. I have a greyed screen while I try to upload a background image. I can't even select any of the drop-down menus. How can this be solved?
I just sent a login email to cindy@megadrupal.com for a testsite that we are working on.
Hi Nehctar,
What version of MD Slider are you using?
Please update the newest one 2.14
I'm using MD 2.14 and it is not working correctly.
I just purchased and downloaded it several hours ago.
We received an email from BioLogic Bicycle Accessories and Bike Gear Team, it is yours?
We are checking the problem and will respond you asap
Yes, that is correct.
We sent you the email. Please check!
I didn't receive an email. Can you please resend?
I received the file but and it is working but now I cannot add a slide. When I select "Clone slide" or the plus sign it does not add a slide or clone.
Can this be fixed also?
Please use jQuery 1.5 (version 1.7 causes error in view)
Also, you add menu in every page which causes js error in admin menu!