I have MD Slider on my website with thumbnails turned on. I have enough pictures on the slider that the "next" and "prev" buttons for the thumbnails needs to appear. I am having 2 problems:
1.) The "next" and "prev" thumbnail buttons do not appear at first. It is necessary for the user to refresh the page in order for the buttons to appear. I was able to work around this by inserting a javascript that refreshes the page a couple of seconds after the page load. So this is not that big of a deal right now but would be great if I could get it to work.
2.) The second problem is that even after refreshing the page, the "next" and "prev" thumbnail buttons do not seem to want to show up in Google Chrome, even after a page refresh. The funny thing is, if I log into the site with my administrative account, they will show up in Chrome, but apparently not for an anonymous user.
The slider can be seen here: http://www.summitmdjobs.com/easttn1
Any fixes or recommendations for things to try?
I'm having a similar problem. The last slide in the thumbnail slider isn't showing up in Chrome and the thumbnail navigation is intermittent.
slider at http://oc-ok.org
Seems fine on safari.
I have the problem with the last thumbnail not showing up in *any* browser, but forgot to mention it!
If you add
.md-thumb-container {
You can see all the thumbnails now, but the thumbnail navigation arrows are still missing.
We are still working on your issue and will feedback you as soon as possible
Hi sumg and elliptical,
We sent both of you the fixed version of MD Slider
Please check your email
Thank you for the help. The version you sent still had a problem where the thumbnails were stacked on top of each other and not side by side but I solved it by adding the following code:
.md-thumb img, .md-thumb span
Thanks again!