Video full width

Compflow's picture
Sat, 11/05/2016 - 07:24
Video full width

Hi there, is possible to place a full width video and playit by defoult? also, is possible to upload videos?


cindy's picture
Sun, 11/06/2016 - 21:22


Please read the documentation of MD Slider

In Configure tab, we provide option "full-width" and "autoplay"

In Edit tab, we have "add image", "add text" and "add video"

mocar's picture
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 11:42

I'm trying to do the same thing, add a video loop as the slider background image. The background image settings page says .mp4 under 32mb is allowed. I have one of size 3.4mb in my /sites/default/files/video folder. When I submit the form, though, I get a broken image for the slider background. 

mocar's picture
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 11:45

FYI -- you can see this video loop here:

cindy's picture
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 21:48


Our module does not support video background at the moment. The "allowed file types" is just the default setting Description of media (module media)

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