Mega slider works like a charm, but I can't figure out so far how I can get rid of the white "shadow" every text has by default. You can see the issue in my example in the lower right corner of every slide:
It doesn't look wrong with large dark text but If I want to use white on a dark background I encounter problems since the doubled text looks clumpsy and is hard to read. I can't get rid of it. No matter what style I choose. Actually the style settings are meaningless since they do not affect the rendering at all. Do I need to enable the "Generate css file" option in the configuration form? (Unfortunately just checking this option didn't change anything either so far.)
Further more I do not even find an option to pause the slide show when the mouse is located over the slider. (In several posts such an option was mentioned...)
About the text white shadow, we are working on it and will feedback you as soon as possible
About the "pause on hover", we send you the fixed version. Please check your email
Hi cindy,
thank you very much. The new version instantly works.
Obviously I need to animate the slides in a way that not everything vanishes in the end if I want the function of stopping on mouseover to be useful in a meaningful way. Right now the background image just stays longer and the text animation has finished (and vanished) long before the next slide starts since the mouseover function doesn't influence the in-slide animation...
There is an option for object layer on slide (text, image...) to be not vanished. You can choose "keep in slide" for that object in "stop-animation" and that object will be kept in the slide until the next one
We also sent you the email for fixing text shadow
Please check your email
Hi cindy,
thank you very much for your generous support.
Unfortunately even if I use the option to keep elements in my slide they instantly vanish as soon as the slide animation to the next slide starts. They are not handled as part of the in-between-slides-animation.
Secondly the new stylesheet you sent works fine in the editor, but when I watch the adapted slider on the final page the new styles do not get applied. I still see in each setting the white text "shadow" instead of for example the black text shadow. Do I need to link the stylesheed by hand anywhere?
I tried to solve the problem by activating the configuration option: "Generate css file", but this doesn't change anything.
I even tried to clear the Drupal and browser cache. This doesn't do the trick either.
We see your point. However, currently MD Slider does not support the function keeping elements between-slide-animation
About the text shadow, we see the text in slider of your site seems to display well (no white shadow anymore?) or how do you want the text to be displayed? Please clarify your idea!
Hi cindy,
do I get right that the "Stop Animation" option: "Keep in slide" is ment to provide the possibility of keeping more elements than just the background image in between-slide-animations in future releases, but doesn't work yet? I ask because so far I can't figure out what this option is doing right now.
The small text in the right bottom corner of my testing slider still has a non-black shadow. I have selected the style: "Text black shadow 1" for this textbox in all slides and it correctly renders a thin black shadow in the editor, but still uses a shadow with the font color in the final slider. You can see that when you look at the text during the start animation. It renders normally during the animation, but as soon as the text has reached it's final position and size it appruptly gets applied this font-colored shadow - because of that the text looks about twice as thick in its final spot than during the animation.
I just discovered that this strage shadow isn't limited to be just white. When I use yellow as font color the shadow is yellow too, but it never renders the black shadow I have selected (and see) in the editor.
We sent you the file for fixing text shadow again
Please check your email
Hi Cindy,
there is definitely some progress. Now I can define a black drop shadow. Unfortunately the style "none" still produces a white shadow. Therefore so far I can't get a text with no shadow at all...
Sorry for replying late. We checked again, and all the style for text are working fine
May be there is css conflict in your site,
Please send us your log-in account via [email protected]. We will check and fix the problem
Can we also be sent the fix file for losing the white stroke around text as default
We are spending our national holiday
We will be back on 3rd, Sep and then we will checking and fix your problem
just send us your site url and admin account to [email protected] (also this support link), Rhubarbmedia
Hi Rhubarbmedia,
We sent you the email. Please check. If the problem still occurs, please send us your site information via email
Etage, just send us your site url and admin account to the email we mentioned above