Couple months everything was OK but now appears couple problems.
There is a bootstrap problem and footer problem. I can't even add a dribbble or Behance links because icons are disappearings when I try to add links.
Check please jpg with errors ;(
Couple months everything was OK but now appears couple problems.
There is a bootstrap problem and footer problem. I can't even add a dribbble or Behance links because icons are disappearings when I try to add links.
Check please jpg with errors ;(
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The first error: Please install module
The second error: Please go to theme setting and select Footer again. If your problem is npt solve, please send us your site url with admin account
We fixed. Check your site please.
Still is not working, When I add a links icons disappears :/ And Still the same footer error "
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in include() (line 42 of /sites/all/modules/custom/md_block_custom/add_more/templates/footer.tpl.php). "
If problem appears, you can please go to admin/structure/block/manage/md_block_custom/mls_footer/configure and choose icon again.