I'm having a bugger of a time with the Portfolio items. When I add using the "portfolio" content it's very sparse page and the photos are out of alignment with a huge space. I'd like to use AWEcontent pages like the ones in the example / demo menu that are much more robust and polished, but they only build out a basic pages and won't show in the portfolio. What am I missing here? I'm sure this is super simple and I'm caught up in trying to figure it out. Any advice?
Fri, 05/05/2017 - 08:36
You can please try following solution:
+ then add link of PORTFOLIO pages above to PORTFOLIO items that you created before
I've gone in and made a really nice page in Awecontent as a "basic page". I can link that in the menu, but how I can get the thumb on the portfolio view to A) Show the pictures for the pages done in Awecontent. AND/OR is there a way to engage Awecontent on the portfolio page? I suppose I could make the items as portfolio for a thumbnail to appear and then link to a basic page?
Can you please explain more with some screenshots or give us an example? We do not understand clearly.
The editor isn't letting me add screenshots, just my luck!
Here's the situation: I create a "portofolio" item so the thumbnail will populate inot the grid / slider / etc. I then went usign AWECONTENT and created "basic" pages that are to be the real portfolio page with all the good stuff on it, pictures, and jazz. I've put the link in the menu bar...links to the project perfect of course. I've gone into the alias and redirected the "thumbnail" portfolio page to the page I created and it still points back to the basic info portfolio page. Is there a way to convert the basic page to a portfolio or something. This should be fairly straightforward, but it's just not happening.
So please send us links that have problem.
Thank you.
Ok, so if you go from this main portfolio grid here: http://www.superflydigitalmarketing.com/project-portfolio
Click on the top right "AllPets Emporium" and when you do it will take you here: http://superflydigitalmarketing.com/allpets-emporium
The page that I want it to link to was created in AWECONTENT as a "basic" page: http://superflydigitalmarketing.com/allpets-emporium-0
I've tried every way that I can to redirect the link in the box to the AWECONTENT page, but nothing is working.
Please try following solution:
1. In content type PORTFOLIO, create a field named "Link". In this field, you can add url for portfolio item to redirect to page.
2. Go to admin/structure/views/view/portfolio/edit/grid_portfolio, add field Link to FIELDS
3. Open file views-view-fields--portfolio--grid-portfolio.tpl.php (sites\all\themes\md_structure\templates\views\portfolio\grid_1), line 9, replace code
4. Clear Drupal Cache
Followed all the steps, but now rather than it going to the portfolio page w/ the edit tab it just refreshes back to the home page.
So you can please use our service (fee will be charged) to custom your portfolio if you would like.
Can you tell me or PM what the fees will be?
Check mail please.
Thank you.
The emails inserted into the appropriate places do not allow you to launch a mailto:, they are only text. Has anyone else come across this and if so, how on earth can you do it? It worked on mobile responsive version yesterday and now those won't launch an email either. I've never ever come across a theme that you can't click an email.
We fixed. Check site please.