I can't see any options in my sidebar when editting content with the AWECONTENT option.
i've tried several jquery_update versions with no succes.
I'm using the latest version of the template since I bought it last thuesday.
Hope you guys can help me out.
Can you please give me your Website account? I need to check your website.
Thank you!
I have sent to you the updated version of AWECONTENT. Please replace the old one by it. Then let me know the result.
Thanks! this solved the problem. Thanks for the quick reply.
Can you please vote 5* for this theme? It's very important for our business.
Thank you!
I think I have a similar problem...(
Uncaught Error: Error: cannot call methods on aweColorPicker prior to initialization
in my console
Please go to your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/fr0ntpage) to download an updated file of Awecontent and check if it works.
Work! Thanx!
hi i have the same problem with the structure theme.
Please check your email Stavrosgian.
Hi i have the same problem with the structure theme. help me!
updated "Md_awecontent" helped me