Hi, I recently purchased simpleflex and had some queries :
1.) Missing menu :
I installed Simplflex using the manual install. I have installed all the mentioned modules and the site is running but it isn't showing any menu. If I assign the 'main menu' block to the header section, it shows an ugly bulleted list and not the properly formatted menu like in the demo. What settings do I need to make for it ?
2.) The md_slider version included in the download is 2.12. How do I update it to the latest version ?
3.) After installing this theme, even without any user content, the site is very slow to load. I suppose it might be due to loading those tons of javascript files, right at the start. The user is left staring at a blank screen for several seconds !!!
3.a) I have worked with heavier websites but they "seem" faster as the site starts showing "some" content before it has fully loaded. i.e. the user starts getting some visual feedback from the site, so the site does not appear "stuck" for several seconds (the preloader is useless). Is it possible for you to modify the theme so that it starts showing some content like maybe the slider or atleast the menu before it loads everyhing else up ?
3.b) Can you maybe move the javascript files (in main.js ??) to a more suitable function or point rather than loading them all at the start ? Alternatively, can you tell me which javascript files are used for which feature (like abc.js is used for the 'numbers' panel) so that I can myself disable the ones that I don't need ? The theme/site is (or "appears") realllly slow in its current state :(
Hi Webking12,
We sent you the updated version of MD Slider to your email. Please check
About the menu and site loading speed, we are checking and releasing the updated theme version in some days. Please wait, we will email you right after we finish
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the updated slider. However links do not seem to be working, I filled in the details in the 'add link box'. I tried setting links on both text and images, I even tried typing <a href..> manually in the text but nothing seems to work - it does not show up as a clickable link on the final slider. Am I doing something wrong ?
To get the menu working, I assigned the 'Superfish 1' block to the header section, set its title to '<none>' and CSS class 'sf-menu' for the main UL. It looks similar to the demo..
Looking forward to the updated theme...
We've tested again and it works fine, both image and text
Can you send us your site's url and admin account to check to [email protected] (also this forum link)
Hi Cindy,
I think I've narrowed down the bug with the slider links. In the simpleflex theme, each section has 2 shades of color - the left half is lighter and the right half is darker (looks like an overlay/layer ?)
If you place a link on the left side of the slider screen, it works, but if you place it on right side (where it gets covered by the dark layer), it doesn't !!!!! I've tried it on both Firefox and chrome with drupal 7.34.