Where do I control the timing on the team block slider? Doesn't seem to be on the block tpl.php file accessible through the view configuration.
Sat, 11/07/2015 - 14:27
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The Owl Carousel is the shortcode of Awecontent. So please see the file: awecontent-carousel-item.js(sites/all/modules/custom/shortcodes/awe_carousel_object). You can edit the timing in this file.
Thank you!
That path does not exist in my installation. The only folder in the sites/all/modules/custom/ folder is called Portfolio.
Please send me your FTP and Website Account. Maybe you are using old version of this theme(no Awecontent builder).
Thank you!
Could you email me please? I've modified a fair amount of theme code and want to be careful.
I sent you an email. Please check your email.