I am using the google map object. I have very few options in the AWE panel for configuring the map. Where are the options controlled which aren't available in the AWE panel? I would like to use a hybrid terrain map but that option/setting is not exposed.
I would also like to use different, more "standard" color schemes, for example - you only provide four styles as far as I can tell. Can I add more styles to the list in the object?
I would also like to turn off the "bouncing" map marker so it does not bounce. How do I control this setting?
Finally, I noticed that every time I open the AWE edit panel on the map the zoom setting is always reset to '1' . This makes it hard to edit other elements on the map as every time I open the edit panel the zoom setting gets "reset".
We will check and reply you soon :)
Any update to this request? I haven't seen a reply.
We are still working to find solution. Please wait for us. We will contact ASAP :)
We send you a custom version of MD AWEContent, please check your email, download and update
That version supports hybrid terrain map, turning off hybrid terrain map and fixes the error (every time I open the AWE edit panel on the map the zoom setting is always reset to '1' )
Except color scheme, we have not found the optimal solution. Should you have any idea, suggestion or solution, we would be ready and glad to hear
I used Admin panel to install new module. I get many errors on page load. In Edit I cannot open the "pen" icon at the main page level.
See here:
I assume md_awecontent is a module and I install it, correct? Just like any other module?
So could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account? Because it still works well on our site. And please enclose some screenshot of "can not open pen icon" problem.
But how about your admin account?
Hi Jkstermitz
Please check your email
We send you the updated version of mD Awecontent
We send you the updated version of MD AWEContent,
Last time, we send you the wrong ver, we are very sorry for this inconvenience
Please check your email
Now the panel opens, but the AWE content object pane is blank. None of the objects are showing up. They are all enabled in the modules section. All content types are enabled for awe content. The sections come in fine in the awe panel, but the objects do not, and there is also nothing in the drupal section. This is about my last attempt at fixing this...it doesn't work, in spite of multiple new versions from you, and when you send me the wrong version I waste many hours troubleshooting. This is a very brittle theme - or at least the Awe panel builder is brittle - any time you update me something breaks, and I either get a permission problem or a content not found (404) error. If I can't get this fixed in the next day or two I am going to have to dump this theme. Waste of time.
Please disable awecontent permission temporarily, We will check and feedback you at the soonest time
I went into permissions and unchecked Admin user for permissions on all the AWE Content items I saw. It's a bit confusing because I also have all the items from Phoenix (MD Portfolio, Blog, Testimonial, Prices, etc.,) and it is confusion which are AWE and which are not. Basically, I disabled Admin user for all Phoenix related elements that I could find, both AWE content and Megadrupal.