I've been working with one Page demo, trying to edit sections and their content using AWE content builder. The left-most edit icon at the upper left of an object are obscured by the general section edit tool panel that pops out. How do you get access to the edit tools for the object or object content when they are obscured by the pop-out tool panel?
See here: http://snag.gy/8Fd4B.jpg
You can see that the little pop-out tool panel is hiding the blue tool set for the object as well as the gray tool set for its content. These all scroll together so the underlying tool for the left-most icons are never accessible. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome, and PC/window size doesn't affect it.
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account? We would like to have a check on your site.
Thank you.....but, I figured out by myself how to get around this.
By setting the fluid setting for a section to "off" the object on the left side of the main screen will no longer abut to the panel, allowing me to click on the edit icons for the section, subsection, etc.
I have another question about map object settings I will post to a new topic.