I just purchased Phoenix minimal theme. The zip download has TONS of stuff...looks like perhaps it even includes a core Drupal install. I don't need to do that as I already have a Drupal 7 installation and a working site using a different theme.
I can't make sense out of the entire set of zips, whether there are straightforward instructions for "Manually Installing Phoenix in an existing Drupal installation" for example. There are lots of readmes, from basic background on Drupal to generic theme install....but I'm looking for a quick/easy explanation of what, out of the entire set of multiple ZIPs in the Phoenix download, to upload, and how to approach this.
Normally I would just use Drupal's theme install functionality and copy/paste a web address and voila!...but in this case I'm clueless where to start. In the Manual Install folder I do see a zip folder for md_Phoenix-7.x-2.0, a modules zip (most of the modules I already have installed from previous work), as well as two feautures zips, one for multipage, one for one-page.
What I'm looking for is a simple set of instructions such as:
1. Create a phoenix folder in your .....all/sites/themes folder.
2. Upload the md_phonex-7.x-2.0 folder to your sites/all/themes/phoenix folder. (then what....)
3. Upload the modules folder to the sites/all/modules folder, and for any module you don't already have installed ......(then what....)
3. Upload the two features folders (to where? and then what.....), etc. etc.
Here is instruction for installing phoenix theme for you:
When downloading the package from Theme forest, you can see a folder named Manual install. In that folder, there are 4 zip files.
1, Please copy the file md_phoenix-7.x-2.0.zip to folder site/all/themes/. Extract file.
2, Extract file modules.zip, copy all folders in "Modules" to site/all/modules
3, Install feature modules of Drupal. You can find them at https://www.drupal.org/project/features
4, Install multipage_phoenix_features-7.x-1.0.zip or phoenix_onepage_features-7.x-1.0.zip base on which you would like.
Then it's done.
If there is any problem while following this instruction, please contact with us.
Perfact. Just what I was looking for and in fact had started down that path with one modification - I'm only going to copy into sites/all/modules the ones I don't already have installed. If a module in the zip is a Drupal contrib module I'll put it in that folder, but if it looks like a custom for Phoenix I'll put it in a folder called sites/all/modules/custom.
Any "tricks" to "installing" features (step 4) or is it just like modules - copy them into the folder and refresh cache? I plan on putting the features in the custom folder as well - would that present any issues (i.e., will Drupal "find" them when I refresh cache)?
Please download module features from Drupal.org then copy folder features (enclosed with theme) into your custom folder and just need to enable that module. It will be ok.
I got everything installed, and after enabling the theme I'm getting a semi-functioning site...of course I have all my prior views still enabled so it's not truly working but at least I know I'm getting there. First things first - when I go to Settings for the theme, I get a fatal error.
I also looked at the "Features" and see there is a conflict with the one-page features and the MD portfolio demo. "Phoenix Onepage FeaturesConflicts with: md_portfolio_core_demo (Enabled) in field_base [body]"
- I'm not sure what to do about this, or the fatal error listed above.
Finally, the theme was described as "well-documented" - is there any kind of user guide or manual to assist in setting up a site to use the functionality?
Actually, I have another thought. Rather than debug that installation, I do have a 2nd domain and was thinking it might be easier/faster to use your starter install script and bring up your demo site as a new drupal site, then modify the content. Is that the preferred approach? When I bought this I thought it was like bartik/etc., where I just installed the theme and then flipped to it in "appearances". Obviously phoenix is way more than that, with template files, custom modules, features, etc. some of which may be incompatible with other modules I've already installed?
If it is faster just to start fresh on a blank slate I can try that. The original site is just a development site so I won't lose much by doing this.
In the meantime, if the errors above mean anything, please advise....
I went ahead and did a new install on a different domain using your md_phoenix profile. It worked, and the demo site was running. Then I went and updated all the modules (but not Drupal core).....and now the site does not render, and I have the following fatal errors:
Now it seems that it is working, but I can only access the site by inputting the full URL for my hosting primary domain. I'll work with this and see if I can make faster progress modifying the MD Phoenix Demo on the new domain (vs updating my original domain to use Phoenix). When I get more time I'll see if I can restore the short URL path to the website. May be an issue with the hosting service, not Drupal nor Phoenix. I'll let you know.
Ok, first sorry for all the comments......please ignore the rest, as this one has the most current status and issue I need help with.
I have the demo site up and running, but in Appearances/Phoenix/Settings I'm getting the same fatal error on media browser as I've had all along on the original installation attempts. So, I'm unable in both cases to go to modify the theme in "settings"
Simplr page builder also has the same error. Are there updated versions of this module and the theme-settings which accommodate the change to media module which removed media_browser in lieu of library? Seems like this problem is in other themes as well? How can I update the site to fix this throughout the module set?
Hi Jkstermitz,
Did you install theme on exiting drupal website or install profile for a website that has fully demo?
Could you wait us for a few days? We are working on new version of Phoenix theme and we would like to send it to you after finishing. It has better page builder than current version's. Or you can send us your database and source code to our developer email: [email protected] for a faster help.
Thanks. I was able to fix the media_browser problem following example in another MD theme posting, and I now have the site up and running. I am in the process of modifying the default content, replacing it with my own. What I see is that some of the content is modified via the "theme/settings" page, some is modified directly on page builder, but other content is contained in the descriptions of the blocks. So it is a bit difficult to manage the workflow to update the default content.
Is there a manual or documentation for page builder? You reference that in another help post but I can't seem to locate any specific guide or manual.
I would be happy to download the new phoenix theme/modules when it is ready. I'm not sure how to send my database and source code....
Finally, on page builder it would be helpful if there were a wysiwyg editor like you have here on this forum.....it is quite difficult to edit with the very small font that page builder uses.
I apologize. I have now found the document/manual....it wasn't clear to me when I installed the theme how to access this.
Please let me know when the new theme update is available. I will be happy to download and update.
Hi Jkstermitz,
Please check your email for updated file