Live Preview

semargl's picture
Wed, 07/22/2015 - 13:34
Live Preview

I'm not getting the purpose of "Live Preview" button. I suppose it's just a link to something, isn't it?

Any way to make it disappear if the field is empty?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 07/22/2015 - 22:34


Where is "Live preview" button that you mentioned? Could you send us some screenshots?

semargl's picture
Thu, 07/23/2015 - 09:31

Please, see the screen attached.

Image title

cindy's picture
Thu, 07/23/2015 - 22:54


1. Go to theme md_phoenix
2. And go to md_phoenix/template
3. Open file node--portfolio.tpl.php
4. Replace the following code:

<a class="btn btn-default btn-black" href="<?php (isset($node->field_portfolio_link['und'])) ? print $node->field_portfolio_link['und'][0]['value'] : print '' ?>">
<?php print t('Live Preview'); ?>

with the code:

<?php if(isset($node->field_portfolio_link['und'])) :  ?>
<a class="btn btn-default btn-black" href="<?php print $node->field_portfolio_link['und'][0]['value']; ?>">
<?php print t('Live Preview'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

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