I've renamed some fields in Portfolio (e.g. Client to Host) but when I view the page I still see "client". Where can I cnange this within drupal?
Thank you.
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Please follow this way:
1. Go to sites/all/themes/md_phoenix/template
2. Open node--portfolio.tpl.php
3. Search "Client"
4. Change to your words.
tried editing these lines and nothing:
I also tried to change output of the author posting to print "Full Name" (another field I created in user account) instead of just user name by replacing
Nothing happened. I made sure I caches are flushed. Are you sure that's the right location to do the change?
Seems that issue got resolved as soon as I messed around with Portfolio Views.
Never mind, I'm back to the problem where having issue replacing field values. The overlay displayed after clicking on portfolio item in "default portfolio" seems to be using a different template and whatever changes I make in node--portfolio.tpl.php do not effect it.
Just trying to get Realname module to replace the author in the portfolio node as well as the date (instead of the created to use custom date field entry)
We think you just need to go to sites/all/modules/custom/portfolio/theme
1. Open file portfolio.tpl.php
2. Change things you want.