Hi, the small banner appearing below of the MD Slider when use it on tablets and smartphones.
Can i hide small banner or resize because not appear good on tablets ? I send you a screenshot to see you the problem
Hi, the small banner appearing below of the MD Slider when use it on tablets and smartphones.
Can i hide small banner or resize because not appear good on tablets ? I send you a screenshot to see you the problem
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Hi Nlampridis,
Can you please give me a screenshot to describe your idea? I have checked three banner on tablet but I see no problem with them.
here is the screenshot when useing portrait on 10 inches and 7 inches tablet
Hi there,
I tried to access http://www.carousel-vaptisi.gr/user/login but no success. Please check it and let me know.
ok i reactivated your account, try now
Hi there,
I have tested your website on ipad but see no problem. Please check two screenshot in iPad Portrait & Landscape.
Yes, because i disabled the small banner block. Check your demo and you can see the problem
Hi there,
The image below the banner will be stretched full width. I think that is the best solution. Is it okay for you?
Hello, sorry but this solution is not good, because there is a blank area on the right of small banner. Is it possible the small banner remain on the right of top slider?
Hi there,
There is no blank area on the right side of banner. The image will be http://prntscr.com/e63cu2
Please let me know.
Hello, if you see my image above when i posted at Mon, 02/06/2017 - 07:52 you can see that image of small banner going below the top slider. Is it posible appearing top slider and small banner in one line such as desktop version. Check my image
Then in tablet version, it will display as below image. Is it ok?