active / visited link change color...

ismaelte's picture
Thu, 11/24/2016 - 16:05
active / visited link change color...

I know you guys help me fixed menu hove color,  in the following thread

but i just realize about active and visited color and its really affecting me ..

 My site is online now .. and I found that the active section link defualt color is  black so as the header is also black

nobody see the main link.... please help!! i did not realize this and is affecting me huge because main catalog link is in black.

Image title

In this example, we are in the second section, so the link in the section is NOT in white color....

Please help

khoa's picture
Fri, 11/25/2016 - 17:08


Please review your custom.css file and delete/comment code that looks like

a:visited, a:focus


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