Hi after an user log in, this error is displayed
Notice: Undefined index: field_tabs_content en include() (línea 26 de /home/ferriano/public_html/demo/sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/blocks/bean--tabs--default.tpl.php).
Please help
Hi after an user log in, this error is displayed
Notice: Undefined index: field_tabs_content en include() (línea 26 de /home/ferriano/public_html/demo/sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/blocks/bean--tabs--default.tpl.php).
Please help
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Please send us authenticated user account and blocks or views which can not be seen with authenticated user. We would like to have a check.
those where user & password
I have fixed your issue, please check your website then let me know the result.
Fixed!! thanks a lot., could you please tell me what u did? so i can learn?
We just went to admin/people/permissions and check option Authenticated User of "View any Producto of any type"