Errors in displaying discount product in new arrivals, categories, product details

ismaelte's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 00:21
Errors in displaying discount product in new arrivals, categories, product details

Hi guys..

When I added a discount price to product it  should be displayed instead of the orginal price in the following
pages and views and is not doing it correclty, could you please help fix it?  Please check the following examples.

Product detail:  Also in product detail discount price, it´s with the line through css and it should be the original price. right? 

Image title

Home page in New arrivals section: Here, if discount price exists, it should be the price that should be displayed, you know discounts make sales.

Image title

The same case for the following pages:

And all product categories like:


Please , please,  i really need your support here..  my client need to be online tomorrow

Thanks a lot in advance

phuonght's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 04:52


Maybe names of fields confuse so much.

"Price": newest price

"Discount price": the ogirinal price

so if you would like to add discount price to any product in site, you need to add discount price to "Price" field and ogirinal price to "Discount price".

ismaelte's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 10:41

Ups.. there is a way to bulk modify those fields? because i now have like a hundred of products ?

What i can do to modify quickly the prices?

ismaelte's picture
Tue, 11/15/2016 - 12:01

Ok i will solve it manually.. thanks a lot.

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