Hi, Thanks for your great theme.
I really need help, i tried many times adding CSS and is not working as expected and i need to finsih ASAP,
So please help, as I changed header bg color from white to black, I need to make main menu links be changed from
black to white in hover, visited, etc Could you Please help me....
This my site: http://ferriano.mx/demo/
Hi i really need help to fix these, maybe is something dump but i had expense hours and this is blocking me to showcase a demo for my client...
Please help
Guys..I really need your help... i have invested several hours on the menu and could not find what is the issue..
I used original css from the demo and could not change menu links on rollover, visited and active state, I just need menu links to be white in header with black bg-color. Please help, you guys already help me fixed others issues but this is really blocking me to finish this project.
Have you tried solution at http://megadrupal.com/node/3364 yet?
I tried but still not working at expected, please help me.... check http://megadrupal.com/node/3364