New product Type - Same display type

Padrezz's picture
Sun, 05/01/2016 - 12:16
New product Type - Same display type

Hi there, 

In new product type, with same product display ("content type")  I am missing "Add to cart" styles and functions. How can i add them there? 

This is not working in my case  

Its not passing this condition, If i dellete problematic part of condition, it works, but im not sure if it is right solution: 

<?php if (isset($form['#is_product_page']) && $form['#is_product_page'] && isset($form['attributes'])): ?>

This array is empty 


I am running site on local, so i can't give you any access. 

khoa's picture
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 04:32


I have some questions about your issue:

1. Did you install that theme into an existing Drupal website or do a fresh installation?

2. Can you please let me know why you did not use the default PRODUCT TYPE? Because when you create new PRODUCT TYPE you have to edit/create template files to make it looks like our demo. And in this case, it requires you have good knowledge of coding Drupal.


Padrezz's picture
Mon, 05/02/2016 - 06:55

Its almost fresh instalation of your instalation profile. In my case is necessary to have more product type, becouse my producs have diferent type of parametrs and put it all in one form should be unfriendly with UIX and problematic to fill up.

Here is solution:!commerce!modules!c...

My new product type didn't have any attribute for selection. And there is reason, why is array empty. 

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