New product attribute doesn's appear in product display

kpatsali's picture
Tue, 02/09/2016 - 14:01
New product attribute doesn's appear in product display


I created a new product attribute, except color and size, which is term reference and it doesn't appear in product display...

  • I tried to change node--product.tpl.php with adding my new attribute:

<?php print $product->field_product_new_attribute['und'][0]['tid']; ?>

  • Changed field display as "Link" under


but still it 's hidden...

Can you help me with that please?

Thank you in advance...

khoa's picture
Tue, 02/09/2016 - 15:59


Can you please give me your Website account and FTP account? I need to check your website. And also let me know what attribute that you have added.


khoa's picture
Wed, 02/10/2016 - 22:08


It's done! Please check and let me know the result.


khoa's picture
Thu, 02/11/2016 - 20:37


Can you please send source code + database to [email protected]? I need to check and customize codes so I don't want to do it on your live sites.

I'm not sure whether I can make it working as you wish but I'll try my best :)


kpatsali's picture
Fri, 02/12/2016 - 03:43

Thank you very much! :)

I have send them to you...

khoa's picture
Sun, 02/14/2016 - 05:44


I have updated code onto your Server.


1. Add new js to js/front/custom/product-cart.js

varactiveStyle=function (style_id) {        var radioStyle =$('input[name="attributes[field_product_style]"][value='+ style_id +']');        radioStyle.trigger('click');      }      form_commerce.find('.attribute_style').find('a').once('processed-attribute_style', function() {        form_commerce.find('.attribute_style').find('a').click(function (event) {          event.preventDefault();          var style =$(this).data("size");          activeStyle(style);        });      });

2. Goto en/admin/commerce/products/types/product/fields/field_product_style : Select "Radio buttons" instead of "Select list"

3. Notes: Multiple styles only show up when a node product has same [Size & Color] but difference styles

Thank you!

kpatsali's picture
Sun, 02/14/2016 - 12:15

Hello Khoa,

thank you very very much! This is an excellent job!

Please, one last question and i am done!

In products with many styles, i want to be displayed only one price depending of the style. Now there are two prices displaying simultaneously, like the picture below:

Image title

you can take a look here:

If you choose a size you can see that there are two different prices and this is confusing...

Please do not bother to do it yourself, you made enough!

tell me how and i will do it...

I owe you!

Please, send me here or by e-mail your size and a shipping address.... or you can be able to choose by yourself from the on-line store in about 2-3 days and inform me then for size, color and pattern... whatever you want... but i would be sad if i didn't make you a gift... you were so helpful to me... Please do not hesitate, i really meen it! I will ask you again if you won't tell me...

Than you again!

Have a nice Monday :)

khoa's picture
Sun, 02/14/2016 - 20:22


I'll check the code again and let you know later.


khoa's picture
Mon, 02/15/2016 - 10:03


I have fixed the bugs. Please check it and let me know.

Thank you!

kpatsali's picture
Mon, 02/15/2016 - 10:18

Thank you so much!

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