Stock Available/Unavailable in stock

semargl's picture
Sun, 02/07/2016 - 23:22
Stock Available/Unavailable in stock

I'm trying to find where to change "Unavailable in stock". Seems like field itself does not have that setting. Where would I edit the text?

Thank you.

khoa's picture
Mon, 02/08/2016 - 08:38


Please open node--product.tpl.php file(sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/node), then you can find the text that you want to change :)

Thank you!

semargl's picture
Fri, 02/26/2016 - 23:10

As I see, for some of your themes that I purchased, you release updates. Is there a way I can make such customizations without worrying to overwrite them if I choose to install update? It's a bit of a pain to have all sorts of small customizations in the templates and then trace them back in few months to make sure they included in updated version.

phuonght's picture
Fri, 02/26/2016 - 23:39

Without big updates, please do not worry about overwriting template files. 

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