how can i get views "New Arrivals" V2 appear with five columns and smaller images like "Sales", "Featured" and "Best Seller" views appear in front page?
i tried to change <div class="col-xs-z col-sm-4 col-md-3"> in views-view-fields--products--block-20.tpl.php, under
thank you very much in advance
Bootstrap does not allow to divide 5 columns in a row. Please see this for more detail: http://getbootstrap.com/css/. Bootstrap allows displaying 1,2,3,4,6 and 12 columns in a row.
If you want to have 5 columns in a row you should custom CSS.
Thank you!
Thank you for the reply,
I have made a search before i ask you and found the same thing you are telling me.
Sorry for the dummy question, but i thought there is something I missing here, because views "featured" and "sales" in large screens have smaller icons than "new arrivals"...
thank you for the time again...
The "featured" and "sales" have 5 column because these sections display products in a owl carousel. While "new arrivals" displays products using boostrap grid.
Thank you again....
and I am so sorry for spending your time with dummy questions...
No problem. You're welcome :)
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