I have been experimenting with this module to allow anonymous users to easily login/register via Facebook during checkout:
As the module suggested in readme.txt, i have implemented a ?destination=.current_path() redirect after succesfull login with this hook_form_alter:
function custom_couture_checkout_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form['#form_id']=='commerce_checkout_form_checkout') {
global $user;
if (!$user->uid && !empty($form['account'])) {
$form['account']['login']['fb_login'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => t('Or quickly connect with facebook to create your account or login'),
'#markup' => '<a href="/user/simple-fb-connect?destination=' . current_path() . '"><img src="/sites/default/files/Facebook-login.png"></a>',
$form['account']['login']['mail_confirm']['#description'] = t('Provide your e-mail address in the above fields to activate your account during this checkout.');
Now, what happens after facebook login redirect ?
The checkout cart contents summary, which has a collapsible fieldset, becomes for some reason cleared. Also on the checkout review pane near the end.
I believe this could have something to do with Orenmode customization inside /sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template.php.
You can witness the behaviour on http://couture.artstanding.be.
I have sent login credentials to [email protected]
Thanks upfront for having a look at this issue!
We received your information already
We will check and respond you asap
Okay thanks!
Just adding some extra information about the cart contents:
Althought it shows empty, the selected products are still in the cart since the order completed successfully and is visible in backoffice admin.
Hi, just want to inform you i fixed it by correcting a lacking permission on View products :
I found this when browsing as authenticated user on product catalog pages.
http://couture.artstanding.be/product-grid-sidebar did not show products either
http://couture.artstanding.be/all-products#search did show products since the view did not have any permission restriction attached.
Issue can be closed.