Styling country select element in checkout form

paradoxx's picture
Fri, 09/25/2015 - 04:13
Styling country select element in checkout form

I have a question about styling a select element on one of the checkout pages in orenmode theme.

When user selects a country for example the hover and option list border color is set to blue :

Image title

Is there a way to set this to #84754e , the gold color in my customisation ?

According these threads, there are some tricks to make it possible using CSS, but it's not a fully browser independent solution: 

Thanks upfront for your reply.

phuonght's picture
Fri, 09/25/2015 - 04:49


This select list is a form control so you can not style/css it. It means background color of selected item can not be customised by using CSS.

If you would like to customise, you must to change it from <select> tag to <ul> tag. Please take a look at example at the link below:
Only after you successfully change from <select> tag to <ul> tag, you can style it.

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