Header logo and website title

csolisre's picture
Sun, 03/10/2019 - 11:10
Header logo and website title


First of all, congratulations awesome theme.

Regarding the header, I could change the logo at admin/appearance/settings/md_megatron (logo section). The changes are applied but just after cache is cleared.  It (the logo) can't be changed at admin/structure/block/block-content/(your_header) because it's a drupal block right?  Ok, I got the logo working but the website title is gone. It just works if the default logo is selected at admin/appearance/settings/md_megatron (logo section) and clear cache again.

I'm doing something wrong?

cindy's picture
Mon, 03/11/2019 - 05:27


You can upload logo image of header here: http://develop.aistriu.eu/develop/admin/structure/block/block-content

csolisre's picture
Mon, 03/11/2019 - 14:51

Sorry to ask again but I don't understand at Mysite/admin/structure/block/block-content I choose the header I want to change but the logo is a drupal block inside an awe-block. I'm not allowed to set a logo there, you mean as background? 

(I installed the default profile) I think is this code at templates/blocks/block--system-menu-block.html.twig

                    <a href="{{ base_path }}">

                      {% if default_logo %}

                        <div class="logo">





                        <div class="brand">MEGATRON</div>

                      {% else %}

                        <img src="{{ file_url(logo_path) }}" alt="" />

                      {% endif %}


I change the code to my needs but no changed is applied. Could you please point me to the right file I can modify it myself.

cindy's picture
Tue, 03/12/2019 - 05:37


We could not log in your site anymore

Please check again

cindy's picture
Tue, 03/12/2019 - 22:26


We cannot log in

We get message "Unrecognized username or password. Forgot your password?"

cindy's picture
Wed, 03/13/2019 - 22:46


We have changed logo in theme settings. Please see  https://prnt.sc/mxlazx
You can change with your own. Then remember to clear drupal cache after changing logo

cindy's picture
Sat, 03/16/2019 - 05:23


So, you want to display both logo and sitename next to the logo?

csolisre's picture
Sat, 03/16/2019 - 06:08

  Yes, I found the code responsible for doing that (post#4). for example at megatron/templates/blocks/block--system-menu-block.html.twig. The problem is that I found the same code in more files and I'm not able to find the right one. 

Thank you

cindy's picture
Mon, 03/18/2019 - 22:34


Sorry for the late respond. You should modify the code

Please follow:

1. Open file nav1-template.html.twig, nav2-template.html.twig, nav3-template.html.twig, which are all put in folder modules/custom/md_nav, tìm tên các folder chứa các file đó lần lượt là nav1, nav2, nav3
2. Find and replace:

<svg> viewBox="0 0 100 100">    <g> 
<path> d="M64.264,31.886v56.803l-14.319,8.259l-14.319-8.259v-74.3L14.157,26.771v41.271l7.156,4.128V30.905 l13.467-7.768v8.26l-6.311,3.64V84.56L7,72.178v-49.54L42.781,2v82.553l7.162,4.132l7.163-4.132V27.758L64.264,31.886z M43.626,26.294l6.317-3.644L71.42,35.038V84.56l21.469-12.382v-49.54L57.106,2v15.546l7.157,4.128v-7.285l21.469,12.382v41.271 l-7.156,4.128V30.905L49.943,14.391l-6.317,3.644V26.294z"/> </g>


<img src="url_of_file_logo" alt="" />

3. Save and clear Drupal cache

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