New content type (like BLOG)

gapi78's picture
Wed, 03/02/2016 - 17:33
New content type (like BLOG)

Helo i would like to create a new content type which must have the same layout and functions as blog content type in the default install

phuonght's picture
Thu, 03/03/2016 - 23:32


There is instruction but we would like to note that works must be done carefully and by a developer that has good knowlegde of Drupal:

  1. create new content type

  2. create new fields similar to admin/structure/types/manage/blog/fields

  3. go to sites/all/themes/md_mdst/template, create template file similar to node--blog.tpl.php and template files similar to sites/all/themes/md_mdst/template/views/blog with fields associated with the content type in step 1 

  4. go to admin/structure/views, create views similar to views of blog with fields associated with The Content Type In Step 1

Please be careful with class, it can broke site display if we do something wrong. 

gapi78's picture
Sat, 03/12/2016 - 20:18

are there any other things that need to bo set up, because i followed your instructions and basicly copied the blog content type (i used different names for the same fields so i can differ them) copied and changed node--blog, and the whole blog folder in views, i created a taxonomy category and added a term, created a node input for that content type but when i visit ?p=think i get blank page but when i change to blog the content is visible for blog content type.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 03/16/2016 - 05:21

Could you check again? We think there is nothing that created link ?p=think as you mentioned. 

If a page is blank page, it means that there is no page has link ?p=think in your site, similar to page 404 not found. 

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