Error in md_thenews_bl_preprocess()

ibelongincanada's picture
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 20:25
Error in md_thenews_bl_preprocess()

Hello, I am looking into this myself, but I thought I'd post it up here in case anyone knows of a quick fix. I installed md-news using the demo profile. The installation worked great, I cleared my cache, and the pages are loading well.

This error is shown on every page - Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in md_thenews_bl_preprocess() (line 38 of /data/26/0/15/151/993640/user/1023627/htdocs/specialcarstore/site/sites/all/modules/custom/md_thenews_bl/md_thenews_bl.module).


Thanks, Jake

duynguyen's picture
Fri, 11/09/2012 - 21:41

hi Jake!

Thanks for error report. I just check the errors that you notice.This is because you have not set up a Twitter account in theme setting.To fix the error, you can create a Twitter account then go to theme settings and fill it to the Twitter username.To enter the Twitter username in the admin account and select Appearance and in MD TheNews 7.x-2.0 (default theme) click settings. On General Settings, choose the setting for "Social Media Promotion" and type your account in Twitter username text field.

If you do not want to display twitter, you can get zip file i attached and replace file "md_thenews_bl.module" in directory 'htdocs/specialcarstore/site/sites/all/modules/custom/md_thenews_bl".

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