How to change the number of items that show headline block for each page

publianagrama's picture
Fri, 06/07/2013 - 07:08
How to change the number of items that show headline block for each page

By default the headline block shows 5 articles and then he make another page.

I need to change the number of articles and i dont know here the code is.


thanks for all

luc's picture
Fri, 11/15/2013 - 07:33

since the people you bought this theme from are enjoying a well deserved rest or are otherwise too busy to help you, let me answer the question.

On the settings page of the theme itself, under the sliders tab is where you change this. Just change the 'number items to show per page' for headlines. If you want to change the total amount of items, you would have to change the pager section in the view.

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