I would like to have one page who have search box autocomplete base on title of article..
I was think to make page with view and then add new search autocomplete base on title of article (only on article not on the other content types).
This module https://www.drupal.org/project/search_autocomplete dont work very good.
I also found this module https://www.drupal.org/project/apachesolr_autocomplete but I didnt true..
Maybe i can use ajax forms and write some simple module..
What are you think what is the best way to do this?
best regards,
On this view page I add search box http://www.salter.rs/imenik/imenik-po%C5%A1tanskih-brojeva-i-po%C5%A1ti and new I would like to add autocomplete base on title for search box.
Some suggestion.
Print screen of view. http://prntscr.com/76rhhx
Best regards,
Thank you for giving us some good suggestions.
So, all things are ok for you?
Not really. I need one more staf to do.
Here http://prntscr.com/76vhr1 I would like to add Search Autocomplete https://www.drupal.org/files/images/version%202.0%20preview
So, when somebody type in search box that sugestions show base on title of one node type in my case adresar.
How to do that?
best regards,
You can use this module https://www.drupal.org/project/search_autocomplete
Bcause this is an extra customisation, you will have to pay fee for it. So, we suggest you to use the module above