Different page layouts for different content types (sidebar on left for one, on the right for the other)

tvsmvp's picture
Tue, 04/21/2015 - 14:23
Different page layouts for different content types (sidebar on left for one, on the right for the other)

I see that I can choose for the sidebar to appear on either the left or the right - but how can I have the sidebar appear on a different side for a different content type?  For instance:  How can I have the sidebar appear on the right for articles -- but on the left for my products?  I would assume that I need to create a node template - but I wanted to ask if there was an easier way.

cindy's picture
Fri, 04/24/2015 - 05:02


Please send us your site url and admin account to [email protected] (also this forum link) 

We want to check this

tvsmvp's picture
Thu, 05/14/2015 - 12:05

I got a response back from "Cindy" suggesting that I change up the CSS.  What I came up with (should  you find yourself in the same situation) is:  

.page-type-products div#sidebar {

 float: left;
 .page-type-products div#content {
 float: right;
 .page-type-article div#sidebar {
 float: right;
 .page-type-article div#content {
 float: left;

The above works great - it's simple and works without a hitch.  Thanks to Cindy for the help!  


Here is a copy of the original email from Cindy - it didn't work in this form - but once I was put on the right track, it was a simple thing to adapt the following:

Hi, Please add the following code into file css or into theme setting
 .page-type-products.sidebar-left #sidebar{float: right}  .page-type-products.sidebar-left #content{float: left;}
Regards, Cindy Bui  Megadrupal

phuonght's picture
Thu, 05/14/2015 - 22:45

Thanks for your feedback :)

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