Tell me please where i can change text of the button http://sergiomak.com/#contact
Something like this will help:
"Please open file sites\all\themes\md_make\templates\views\page\blog\blog grid\blog grid 2 col\views-view-fields--blog--page-blog-grid-2col.tpl.php, line 53
<a href="<?php print $fields['path']->content; ?>" class="btn btn-dark btn-rounded hover-effect">Read more</a>
replace Read more with <?php print t("Your custom text");?>"
and the next question how to make site on two/tree languages ? can you give me basics? Information about modules:
MD Max Site | 7.x-1.0 |
MD Slider | 7.x-2.16 |
Megadrupal Client & Testimonial | 7.x-1.0 |
Megadrupal History | 7.x-2.0 |
Thank you, Nika
- If you would like to customize button: please go to edit webform > tab form setting > tab ADVANCED SETTINGS, "Show the notification about previous submissions", set text button there.
- to use multillanguage: please take a look at module entity translation (https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_translation), tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbJI5hZ9nw4
Thank you!!!