I would like to delete all the info (text) of testimonial and tweeter which shows up with the background images but I do not want to have those parrallax images gone. What is the best way to achieve that??
Moreover I would like to have a link to the Instagram in the footer by the Facebook and Google + (I read somewhere on the forum that you do it on request).
Thank you,
1. You should hide them with CSS. We do it for you already. Please check
2. Please open file theme-setting-general.inc in folder sites/all/themes/md_max/settings, line 166 - there is a list of social icons. You can replace an unused social icon. For ex, dribble => Instagram (note: only edit '#title' and '#prefix',)
Then go to file page.preprocess.inc in folder md_max/preprocess, line 478, There is also a list of social icons, which is equivalent with the list above,
Please replace "fa fa-dribbble" with "icon fontello icon-instagramm"