My site is in 4 lanuages. All the required Drupal modules are installed.
I do not have any problems with traslating the text in views, blocks, ets but when it comes to content I fail completly.
For example - In a team view I am trying to have names and surnames (below the pictures) in different languages. I have changed the publishing opt and tilte to text, so I have them already translated. The point is that after changing the language the same default text appears. Is there some sort of filter to be added to master of the view to have them seen in every language???
Also, I would like to have the pictures to be clickable to a popup (bigger) image. How can I do it???
Thank you,
Please give us your site url and admin account. We would check your issue
About the popup, you can use plugin jquery prettyPhoto http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox...
Hello Cindy,
Still struggeling with the Max Team view.
I've downloaded and enabled colorbox for popups. While I create a new team in content in a summary everything work fine (I can see a nice popup image in a site/team/(member) ...but when I see it in the full version of a site - nothing happens.
I've edited the content view, enabling the colorbox instead of image ....and nothing happens (the images are not clickable). Are there some changes to be done to the view propertie's???
On the other hand there is still no translation in for team members (every team member is changed to text field right now ...so every name is translated).
Please advise,
thank you
We need the admin account to check your issue
Please send us
We fixed already. check your site please.
Hello Phuonght,
Thank you for that. Right now all the text are in multilanguages.
Still, I do have a problem with pop up images using colorbox. The pop up appears only if I unclick "exclude from display" in content image. In this case the original image is visible, together with a copy with pop up option. Is there anything I can do about it?
Thank you,
Please check your email. Download the attached file and replace your existing module. Then Config Content Image as following:
Thank you very much! This helped me a lot. This case is resolved.