Fatal error when I try to edit the MD slider

tiburi's picture
Mon, 02/22/2016 - 05:39
Fatal error when I try to edit the MD slider


The MD Slider (7.x-2.16 version) is not working when i try to edit the MD Slider contents. The problem is come when the hosting company updated in the server the PHP to 5.4.40.
The error message is:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in /home/.../public_html/web/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/includes/md_slider.utils.inc on line 294.

May you help me to fix it? Thank you!

(My MD Max invoice ID: 3657-1433745575)

cindy's picture
Mon, 02/22/2016 - 21:42


Thanks for sending us the invoice ID of Max

The problem here is that ID was not registered in your account http://megadrupal.com/user/tiburi

but in other account http://megadrupal.com/user/mese859

Please use the account http://megadrupal.com/user/mese859 to request us to send you the latest version of MD Slider (2.19)

You emailed us and said that your wife bought you the theme so you have more than one account. Sorry for the iconvenience when we ask you to submit again but this is our support policy. We need to verify the right customer with the right key/Invoice ID

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