Change and/or translate text

mese859's picture
Tue, 06/09/2015 - 04:37
Change and/or translate text

How can I change the string in MD slider for example the "MY LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY" and the other texts? I didn't found this texts in view and also in block and panel sessions.

The problem is similar in Contact area. I can't change and translate for example the text of "LEAVE A MESSAGE" and the textline of "MAX STUDIO".

Also similar problem the About box, it isn't modificable and translantable.

Can you help me?

Thank you!

phuonght's picture
Tue, 06/09/2015 - 06:00


Please go to /admin/structure/ MD sliders/ Slider and edit slider. Go to /admin/structure/views/view/max_contact_horizontal/edit to edit Contact. 

And go to /admin/structure/quicktabs/manage/about_tab_four/edit?destination=home to edit About box.

About translation, please take a look at 2 following links:

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