Images, images and images...

stefan's picture
Thu, 04/05/2012 - 08:44
Images, images and images...

Hi there,

sooner or later images within Drupal are going to wind me up completely! Could you please help me:

I´m working with your MD Classic Theme. So far, so good... But as soon as it comes to images in blog posts, they seem to get lost.

I do create new content with a picture by choosing the file from my harddisk. When I save the content the thumbnail images show the blue box with the questionmark in it. When I click on the empty box, the original file is shown.

Where do I make a mistake? Please help!

Thank you,


Neo's picture
Fri, 04/06/2012 - 07:20

Hi Stefan,

Please try to chmod your files folder (sites/default/files) to 777. If it does not work, go to files folder and remove "styles" folder

Best regads,

Neo Khuat

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