The header image is smaller than 640px not correctly aligned or so small zoomed the background image is displayed and the writing of the portfolio to the top.
I will put this together again since the specified solution does not work. Since this is a big problem should be solved.
Here are some screenshots for clarification.
Similar contributions were created but the solution does not work with version 2.4
I would appreciate an answer
Best Regards
Please add following css code to file css
Header will be replaced with default background and field image slide will display below.
Many thanks for the quick answer, what happened now is the image underneath it. But the background picture is still to be seen.
As we mentioned above, after you applied code, default background would be on header place.
But this is not a solution that destroys the look. This looks terrible.
This one can not show so its visiting the website. Is there no other way?
It is only way to solve it. Because images need to keep ratio so it has problem on mobile.
Another solution is hiding it on mobile with code:
So I can live, just need the pictures all the same height. Only the title disappears, see screenshot.
You can please replace
I need the but the reverse profolio thumbnail is to be seen, not the background picture smoke2.jpg. Otherwise I would have no slidershow had to create, and would have left only the background picture. But I want to see the slidershow.
many thanks for your help
I can not find the way to the texts that I can still make them visible?
I could solve it now dirty. But this is how the page layout looks the same in all sizes.
I would have experimented with .owl-carousel .owl-wrapper that the pictures complete the area. But this is probably due to img. So I would have to take this area.
Further I tried with a js to get, would be the simplest solution picture always filling section header_md, does not work with me.
@media (max-width: 628px) {
.portfolio .portfolio-thumbnail FIGURE IMG
display: inline-block;
width: 182%;
@media (max-width: 816px) {
.fixed-topnav ~ .header-md
padding: 89px 0 0px;
@media (max-width: 340px) {
.fixed-topnav ~ .header-md
padding: 99px 0 0px;
@media (max-width: 440px){
.node-type-beitrag HEADER.header-md .top-text H1
font-size: 19px;
line-height: 1.1;
letter-spacing: 3px;
padding: 36px 0 0;
@media (max-width: 440px){
.header-sm .breadcrumb, .header-md .breadcrumb, .header-lg .breadcrumb
display: none;
Where can I change in the code the file view mode is not standard. I want to make a new CUSTOM DISPLAY SETTINGS, but when changing the viewmode happens nothing. Only when I make settings on standard makes it to slider image too.
Many Thanks